Tonkla Modern School
The visions of Tonkla Modern School:
1. Modern Global Citizen: Tonkla’s International program uses a curriculum that is widely used in international schools across the globe to equip them with English proficiency and the understanding of the wider world and their place in it.
2. Modern Creative Connection: Tonkla Modern School Inspired and equipped all to enable them to thrive in the globalized world academically and emotionally.
3. Modern Technology in Education: Tonkla Modern School applies technology literacy teaching and more technological hardwares and softwares are gradually being equipped in the laboratories and classrooms.
4. Modern School Management: The school’s operation uses tailored and/or already made softwares to improve the efficiency of the whole school system.
5. Modern Competency-Knowledge based blend: The integration of mainstream education, especially the focus on the student outcomes (product) will be creatively blended into the Tonkla Modern School concept (process.)
Our focus and development direction
1. Modern global citizen
Tonkla International Program (IP) was launched in the summer of 2022, catering students from Kindergarten 3 to Prathom 3. The program focuses on building English proficiency and cultural competence in our students so that they’ll grow to be Global citizens.
2. Modern creative connection
Tonkla International Program (IP) expands its potential in education by collaborating with schools internationally through online projects and Penpal exchange projects. Moreover, the adaptation of internationally recognized curriculum: IPC curriculum from England and HEI curriculum from Finland bring to the classroom international contents.
3. Modern technology in education
Tonkla Modern school provides new spaces and hardwares to accommodate ICT learning of our students through equipping the classroom and computer lab with both hardwares and software to build a new Coding (iPad) lab. The plan to build another Coding (iPad) lab for research in the International Program is under consideration.
4. Modern school management
Tonkla Modern school is using tailored softwares and recognizable softwares to support data collection and knowledge management with the intent to bring about reliable, up to date, and real time information. Student’s assessment and progress report will be done systematically and promptly.
5. Modern competency-knowledge based blend
Tonkla Modern School has added subjects and courses that enhance students’ skills and competency fit for the future where rapid changes are to be expected. These subjects and courses include:
– Coding- develop systematic thinking and problem solving skill
– New science- raise the understanding towards environmental issues and the roles of new sciences that will influence their livelihood in the future.
– Green Heart- Learn to manage resources sustainably.